Tres relatos del Caribe costarricense (en inglés)

Tres relatos del Caribe costarricense (en inglés)

Jenny Wilkins boarded the bus at the first stop of Corales No. 1, Jenny Wilkings, a very loquacious old soul, very positive in her remarks, loud, very loud in speaking. Her head tied with a bright red hand-kerchief, as a neighbor a virago, always ready to voice her opinion, with interjections of strong adjectives.

“Wat guine an Miss Manda”. She greeted Amanda, her friend.

“Nat a ting. Guaing to town fi see wat me can by. Nat a ting in dese dam shaps in Corales”.

“Youh no knaw. Dem people up here only open shap, and noting in the shap dem. Youh go fi buy rice, No hay, Sugar,
No hay, Sweet ail. No hay, Nat eben camman salt. As fi cigaret... Dont bather ask... Dem just fi close down the blasted pleace... A person run out a enyting, hab fi jump pan de bus, fi go to town... An de bus so frigging slow... Corales is one hell ob a pleace... “, concluded Amanda.

Tres relatos del Caribe costarricense (en inglés)

Books by Dolores Joseph Montout in MOREL

Tres relatos del Caribe costarricense (en inglés)
Dolores Joseph Montout


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