Looking within: selected poems

Looking within: selected poems

Yesterday, she did not understand mathematics

but she read with pleasure a history of Africa

where they talked about

slave trafficking and galleons.

Today, he founded a baseball team

and he donated blood at the small provincial hospital.

She ran a whole course

and he went to buy tasty clams

at a market.

He dreamt about Indian women all doing laundry at the riverbank.

She went to the icebox

and, with an almost forbidden pleasure,

she devoured the clams that he had bought

at the market.

It is ten past four in the afternoon.

Both are looking through the same lens

and they have shared the same hope.

Looking within: selected poems

Books by Nancy Morejón and/or Juanamaría Cordones-Cook and/or Gabriel Abudu in MOREL

Always rebellious: selected poems = Cimarroneando: poemas escogidos
Georgina Herrera + María Rodríguez-Alcalá + Juanamaría Cordones-Cook
Querencias = homing instincts
Nancy Morejón + Pamela Carmell
Looking within: selected poems
Nancy Morejón + Juanamaría Cordones-Cook + Gabriel Abudu


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